News Media Report 2022-23

PRINT IS NEARING ITS LAST Iteration in many markets around the world with the pressures of the Covid-19 years extracting a particularly heavy toll on circulation figures. As publishers accelerate plans to embrace a digital future they face a couple of major challenges: Not all markets...

AS THE COUPLING CONTINUES WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? AS FACEBOOK CONTINUES its long, “slow” breakup with the news business, a process that should now be acknowledged across the industry, each“bombshell” announcement from the company grows less surprising. And those announcements are coming in fast, even...

THE PUBLISHER AS A PAID CONTENT PROVIDER THROUGH ALL the other economic troubles that publishers had to face through the pandemic hit years of 2020 and 2021, it was also a golden age for digital subscriptions. Traffic and interest in news surged as people turned to...