Author: Innovation Media Consulting

PRINT IS NEARING ITS LAST Iteration in many markets around the world with the pressures of the Covid-19 years extracting a particularly heavy toll on circulation figures. As publishers accelerate plans to embrace a digital future they face a couple of major challenges: Not all markets...

Best Practice in Osint and Journalism YOU’VE OFTEN HEARD THE ADAGE a picture can tell a thousand words. Take this idea and supercharge it: imagine a narrative made up o millions of images and video recordings from satellites, smart phones and data tracking devices of every...

AS THE COUPLING CONTINUES WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? AS FACEBOOK CONTINUES its long, “slow” breakup with the news business, a process that should now be acknowledged across the industry, each“bombshell” announcement from the company grows less surprising. And those announcements are coming in fast, even...

At Innovation Media Consulting, we have always believed in the transformative power of journalism to shape societies, amplify voices, and uphold the truth. Our recent collaboration with Annahar Media in Lebanon stands as a testament to this belief—a project we are deeply honored to have...

THE PUBLISHER AS A PAID CONTENT PROVIDER THROUGH ALL the other economic troubles that publishers had to face through the pandemic hit years of 2020 and 2021, it was also a golden age for digital subscriptions. Traffic and interest in news surged as people turned to...

2021 was one of those nearly years, starting with optimism that we  might swiftly leave the turmoil  and uncertainty of 2020 behind,  only to realise that some shadows  are more difficult to shake.  It was, consequently, a year of ups and downs, twists and turns 1. A...

For all the problems that media companies faced during the Coronavirus pandemic, a lack ¡of creativity was not one of them. Lac-Mégantic: La Dernière Nuit  On the night of July 5 to 6, 2013, a runaway train carrying crude oil derailed  in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, Canada, killing 47 people and decimating its...