
Business Day, South Africa's leading business daily newspaper relaunches with a unique and fresh new concept and design in collaboration with INNOVATION led by A. Martin. Attention grabbing, visually compelling articles on every page A larger, custom-made font and new colour scheme make the product easier and...

INNOVATION has relaunched the popular daily Noticia Agora! of Rede Gazeta Group.

With Antonio Martín, responsible of the New Design, Eduardo Tessler, responsible of the New Content Structure, and the involvement and effort of the Newspaper Direction and Newsroom, a huge challenge has been forged.

A new formula to become the leader in the market of quality popular newspapers of Vitoria.

 The circulation of first issue has run out in few hours! 65.000 copies sold!

FIPP has launched the first Innovations in Magazine Media World Report app. Available for iOS and Android devices, the app includes direct access to additional content and features including videos, links and other interactive content. Priced at £74.99 in the Apple App Store and on Google...

The Newspaper Ultimas Noticias (Caracas, Venezuela), an INNOVATION Client, has been distinguised with the award "Best Community Engagement" that WAN-IFRA granted during the Annual celebration of the "Cross Media Awards". This award is given by the daily commitment and relationship with their audience and community. This year...

Ukraine's daily Segodnya has been named Newspaper of the Year by the country's National Programme - an independent body of judges who annually reward top achievements in civil and professional activity. INNOVATION developed the editorial formula and design for the newspaper in 2007 and since then it...

Top Gear Magazine has won the Editors’ Choice Award at The Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin and also won the audience vote for the best innovation. The award is for Top Gear Magazine’s Augmented Reality issue which launched in December 2011 and believed to be the...

Today, EL COLOMBIANO, one of Latin America's leading family-owned quality regional newspaper, celebrates its 100th anniversary with a complete re-launch that includes radical and innovative changes which include: a new format -from standard to Berliner-; new full colour state-of-the-art printing presses; and a new design...