
Over the past 20 years, INNOVATION has designed many multimedia newsrooms, several of which are industry benchmarks worldwide. Here are some of our suggestions. 1. OPEN SPACES, WALLS-DOWN INNOVATION FORMULA Open Newsroom Creativity + Communication + Collaboration = Better Content 2. DIGITAL-FIRST (JOURNALISM-FIRST) News first, platform second. We tell...

‘Fake news’ became a hot topic of conversation in 2017. Although it is a phenomenon that has quite rightly led to widespread concern, it is also arguably the best thing to happen for serious journalism for some time. Fake news highlights both the risks of relying...

Arab News has won 2018 Best Redesign in the World silver award at the WAN-IFRA Print Innovation competition. The competition judged by a distinguished jury of industry leaders recognises the best cases of ‘innovation with impact’ in terms of audience engagement, relevance and increase in revenue. The...

The media industry has been more affected by digital disruption than any other, according to several studies, including the Harvard Business Review. Digital disruption means that the competitive arena has significantly changed due to new entrants and products that are clearly a threat to the...