Author: Innovation Media Consulting

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] Newsletters are having something of a second youth and some media outlets are making the most of the opportunity. Those who are not yet doing so must begin to incorporate them into...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] How a Nordic airline managed to cut the operating costs of their inflight magazine, while maintaining the product's quality, and reducing the company's environmental footprint, all at once. [/custom_font] [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='13' line_height='26'...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] Digital, content and ad spending are all going mobile fast, and Google is now penalising mobile-unfriendly sites. Newspapers have many options to choose from, but choose they must, if they are to keep up with readers. [/custom_font] [custom_font...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Well, no. You’ll be in big trouble, and before long, you’ll be irrelevant, unprofitable, and, quite likely, out of business. [/custom_font] [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='13' line_height='26' font_style='italic' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='#ffffff' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='10px' margin='10px']This...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] Nicolás Beytout and Christophe Chenut are trying to invest €20 million over four years to create the first new general interest print daily to survive in Paris since the 1970s, targeting premium...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] Well, as of June 2015,  Facebook now drives more digital traffic than Google and all other search engines, and other leading social media platforms are not far behind. Facebook and Twitter are...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] Some non-profit journalism organisations have produced world-class investigative reporting but financial backers are becoming more demanding and it is not clear how the impact of reporting can be easily measured. [/custom_font] [custom_font font_family='Open Sans'...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Well, consider that mobile advertising is already 23 per cent of US digital advertising and projected to be 92 per cent in five years, and that global mobile advertising is following suit, then,...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Some publisher’s events drive as much as 20 per cent of total revenues, plus events diversify revenue sources, deepen connections with audiences and sponsors, help hike circulation, attract advertisers who might not advertise...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='center' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] As media outlets around the world struggle to make journalism work with advertising again, and as readers continue to ignore online ads, big titles in the US and Europe have discovered a...