Author: Innovation Media Consulting

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px'] New projects are focusing on the possibilities of data journalism but so far it has been bigger traditional media players around the globe who have scooped up the most success in this...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Just look at all the miserable “prop plane” content being created every day, and you appreciate great content when you find it. And, to keep the metaphor going, we’re developing all sorts of...

[custom_font font_family='Raleway' font_size='19' line_height='26' font_style='' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Publishers must create unique, mobile-only content to match consumers’ massive migration to mobile as their “first screen” [/custom_font] [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='13' line_height='26' font_style='italic' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='#ffffff' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='10px' margin='10px']By John Wilpers...

SHOCKED! That’s how many in the media industry felt upon the announcement that the Grahams, whose family had owned the Washington Post - one of the world’s most prestigious newspapers - since 1933, was selling their title for $250 million. Even more shocking was the buyer, a complete outsider to the newspaper industry: founder and digital icon, Jeff Bezos.